Christmas Cookies for a Cookie Swap

Cookie swap, gingerbread cookies, iced cookies

I am such a lucky girl!

I was matched up with Traci from “Cookie Queen Kitsch’n” for my “Cookie Swap.”

Chocolate Fudge Cookies Recipe, cookie swap

As it turns out Traci is a professional cookie maker and she sent me the most gorgeous iced gingerbread cookies. Traci makes personalised cookies for birthdays, weddings, christenings and party favours and the cookies she sent me were just gorgeous!

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I can’t explain the joy it gave me to receive this cookie swap.  There is something very special about a total stranger going to the trouble of hand baking such a beautiful treat for someone they won’t even meet. As much as I wanted to rip open the gorgeous packaging and bite into a cookie immediately I decided they looked just too cute and they needed a special occasion. I decided that I will take them to my mothers house and they will be the centrepiece at our family Christmas lunch tomorrow.

Thank you so much Traci!

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Readers can go to Traci’s site and check out more of her amazing creations. She has even included the recipe and a step by step instructional showing how to make the Snow Globes.

Look at this cute little pressy Traci included in her package, it is the most gorgeous little cupcake. I have a little niece that may be the final recipient of this gift. Although… I am awfully tempted to eat it myself and say nothing 😉

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Merry Christmas wonderful people!!

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