A Day to be Grateful

Tylor at Gallow Beach

Today I stumbled across Maxabella Loves… a beautiful website full of gorgeously positive sentiments of a mummy blogger. Her post for today is “This week I am grateful for…” I instantly knew that I wanted to join in with the lovely sentiments and be a little indulgent on my own site. I have so many things to be grateful for, so I decided to do a feel good post for today.

My top ten things I am grateful for this week.

1/ A wonderful, sexy, indulgent, gorgeous husband with the kindest nature and loveliest heart. I really scored well with this one, he is the love of my life and every other cliche, ie: soul mate (I hate that term) best friend…

Jetty Beach family Photo

2/ My gorgeous family. I have wonderful children that are growing into gorgeous human beings. My children make proud every single day. I am also grateful to have an amazing extended family around me, we are spoiled with loving grandparents, aunties and uncles.

3/ Fantastic fun loving friends. I am so grateful that I have a wonderful circle of friends who are always available for a good time! I am surrounded by positive happy people who are happy to have a “silly moment” with me.

Girls Halloween Costumes

4/ I am grateful for my good health and the good health of my family. This may sound like cliche but those close to me would know that I lost my eldest daughter five years ago after her lifelong struggle with illness. Health is something I don’t take for granted.

5/  I am grateful that I have been welcomed into the Blogisphere by supportive fellow bloggers and wonderful readers. It is so rewarding to view my website statistics and see that I am producing something that other people are enjoying reading. It gives me a great sense of pride. I am sure you can imagine how thrilled I am when I receive comments on my stories.  More than anything I am grateful to have had this creative outlet when things were harder.

6/ I am grateful for the start of the warmer weather, spring and summer are my favourite seasons.  I love spending time at the beach with the family.

Heart in the sand

7/I am grateful that I live beside the beach and can stop for a quick swim.  I am grateful I can walk along the beach with my husband and kids anytime I like.

8/ I am grateful for delicious red wine and smelly cheeses. Life just would not be the same without these two essential items. There is nothing like a bit of decadence to make a person truly grateful.

Red wine image

9/ I am grateful for chocolate, desserts, cakes, tarts, cheesecakes and macarons.  Life would be bland without these indulgences. I am grateful to have the skills to make my own and I am very grateful for chefs like Adriano Zumbo for extending the dessert repertoire available to us mere consumers.

adriano Zumbo image

10/ I am grateful for bed. Every night as I lay down I sigh “oh… bed is so good, I don’t spend enough time here.” I melt into the mattress and sleep envelops me.  I am grateful for the sleep which allows me to wake up refreshed and energised ready for another day.

11/ Oh! … and I am grateful to the electric pepper grinder, so much easier than getting RSI in the wrist from the old fashion style.

So tell me readers, what are you grateful for??? Do you consider yourself to be “lucky”, I think I am the luckiest person alive 🙂 Thank you for allowing me this little indulgence. I hope you have the same warm fuzzy feeling that I did while I was writing this story.

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