Homemade Hawaiian Pizza – From Scratch

With children home from school and an abundance of leftover ham from Christmas, I decided I would put both to work, and we would make Hawaiian Pizza for dinner.

Now I know everyone knows what is on a Hawaiian Pizza but have you ever made one from scratch? I make the pizza dough in my bread maker so it is very simple, yet the flavour is so much better than any base you can buy. With the children “playing” oh I mean kneading the dough it was an enjoyable exercise for all.

Hawaiian Pizza

I had a second reason for making a Hawaiian pizza, my lovely brother and his gorgeous bride-to-be gave me the most exciting birthday present, it was a pineapple corer. Take a whole pineapple and twist a few times and voila! Perfectly sliced and cored fruit. Now I got a little carried away, and the fate of four pineapples was to become sweet little golden rings and now I needed to find a use for them. Hence, Hawaiian Pizza!

Hawaiian Pizza


  • 5 Tbs tomato paste
  • 250gm Mozzarella Cheese, shredded
  • 300gm ham, diced
  • 1 red onion, sliced
  • 1 pineapple, chopped

Pizza Dough

  • 500gm Bakers Flour
  • 10gm yeast
  • 5gm sugar
  • 5gm salt
  • 310 ml warm water
  • 20ml oil


  1. Throw all the dough ingredients into a [easyazon_link identifier=”B00067REBU” locale=”US” tag=”gourmetgetaways1-20″]breadmaker[/easyazon_link] and come back to it when the machine finishes. Too easy!
  2. Lightly oil 5 pizza trays 20cm diameter. Divide the dough into five even balls.
  3. Flatten the dough ball into the pizza trays and allow them to proof again. Once they have proofed as desired they can be refrigerated for later use or topped with fillings immediately.
  4. Preheat the oven to 220C/430F.
  5. Spread the tomato paste over the bases and top with grated cheese.
  6. Add the onion, ham and pineapple and bake for approximately 10 mins.

Hawaiian Pizza

When the pizza are ready the aroma is delicious, they may be a simple ham and pineapple pizza but they are so tasty and fun for everyone to make. The children always enjoy making their own food and it is much easier to get them to eat when they have had a hand in cooking the meal themselves.

Hawaiian Pizza


For more Gourmet Pizzas check out these great Three Pizza Recipes.

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